AI Mammogram Review May Cost Patients More. But is It Worth It?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) made significant strides across various industries in the past year. However, its application in improving cancer screenings garnered particular attention and optimism within patient communities and the medical field.

The increasing incorporation of AI in mammography is a notable development, yet it has also prompted discussions about accessibility and affordability concerns. Some medical facilities are opting to charge an additional fee for mammograms that undergo AI review. And reports indicate that approximately 35% of women choosing mammograms at RadNet facilities opt to pay for it.

The payment practices related to AI mammography vary among radiology practices, with some choosing not to impose an extra charge. Constance Lehman, a radiology professor at Harvard Medical School, expressed concerns to CBS News, highlighting the potential inequities associated with charging patients for AI review of their imaging. This practice may exclude individuals who cannot afford the additional cost.

But RadNet envisions a future where they no longer charge patients for AI review. They told CBS News that they anticipate insurance companies will recognize the value of AI in screenings and eventually cover the costs.

Despite the promising results observed, lingering concerns persist. There’s a crucial necessity for diverse training sets for AI algorithms to recognize a broad range of races and ethnicities. This reflects the challenges of AI in mammography, and it’s essential to navigate this technology carefully as it evolves.

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