7 Ways to Advocate for Breast Cancer Patients

It can disrupt your entire world.

Whether it’s you or a loved one facing a breast cancer diagnosis, knowing what to ask can give you a better understanding of a diagnosis that may alter the rest of your life, and yet, empower you to make the decisions that are best for your needs.

This post is sponsored by KeraStat® Cream, a new standard of care for radiation dermatitis. 

The Diagnosis: What do the stage, grade and pathology indicate?

Your Treatment Options: Based on my pathology, what’s the recommended treatment plan? What are the goals of each treatment?

Risks & Benefits: What side effects do I need to be aware of and how will each treatment affect my quality of life? How can I best manage my side effects for each treatment?

Prognosis: What is the expected prognosis with the proposed treatment plan? Are there any long-term effects to consider?

Clinical Trials & Therapies: How can I explore my options for clinical trials or treatments I may qualify for? What new treatments or advancements in treatment should I be aware of?

Second Opinions: Would it be beneficial to seek a second opinion regarding my diagnosis or treatment options?

Financial Considerations: What are the financial implications of my treatment plan, and are there resources available to manage the costs?

We’re always here to cheer you on and provide you with resources that help you feel seen, heard and understood in your healthcare. Reach out to us at any time!

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